Pet Dental Health

Why should your pet have a dental cleaning?

dental cleaning

   DID YOU KNOW?  Professional dental cleanings are just as important for our pets, as they are for us. Pets can acquire bacteria & plaque build-up just like we do, resulting in bad breath & onset of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease left untreated leads to oral inflammation & risk for infection in & around the teeth. Bacterium built up in the mouth without intervention, often leads to various conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, & loss of teeth. Dental disease can be very painful if left untreated. The best time to get your pet's teeth cleaned is when they are in the lower stages of dental disease (Grade 1 or 2 out of 4). When your pet’s dental disease reach higher stages (Grade 3 or 4 out of 4), this is when your pet will likely start to need extractions and annual cleanings.

WHat is included in a dental procedure with us?

-- Your pet will be placed under general anesthesia. IV fluids are administered during the entire procedure, extensive monitoring devices are placed, along with the doctor and technician performing hands-on monitoring as well. Warming devices are placed to ensure your pet maintains a proper body temperature while under anesthesia.

-- Each tooth in the mouth is probed to check for pockets or root exposure, which could lead to a necessary tooth extraction if extractions were approved by you in the surgical check-in. The teeth are scaled with an ultrasonic cleaner to remove calculus & soft plaque, followed by polishing which smooths the surface of the teeth.

-- We perform digital dental radiographs, which help Dr. decide if an extraction is truly needed. (We don't want to pull any more teeth than necessary!) Teeth are like an iceberg, there's much more underneath the gum line we can not see that is vital to the health of a tooth. If there is not a good foundation for the tooth, it will create more issues staying in than coming out. Adult dogs are equipped with 42 teeth total. Adult felines have a total for 30. Many pets have little idea that they are missing teeth and go on to live a perfectly normal life with just a few less teeth. Most often than not your pet will be able to go back to a kibble diet or hard treats without any issue, even if they have minimal teeth left.

-- To complete a dental procedure, a fluoride treatment is performed & OraVet sealant is applied.  This sealant acts as a temporary barrier, making it more difficult for bacteria to cling back onto the teeth & make the most of the cleaning. 

-- Your pet may also be given an antibiotic or pain injection if necessary, & this is based on their individual procedure. If an extraction(s) is performed, you can expect to be sent home with antibiotics & pain meds to keep your pet comfortable through the healing process. The cost for these medications is allotted for in the estimate you will be provided with prior to your appointment.

-- Once our surgery team is finished & your pet is moved safely into recovery, the doctor will call you via the phone number left for us at check-in; they will inform you how everything went, the current status of your pet, & answer any questions you may have.

-- Dental patients are closely monitored by the doctor & nurse while they rest in our recovery suite for the day. Unless unforeseen complications arise, your pet will be able to go home with you as soon as they are recovered from the anesthesia. 

-- Once you arrive to pick up your pet, our client service staff will help you take care of payment, & then an assistant will review a patient-specific discharge with you. This includes after-care instructions & a detailed print-out of what was seen and done within your pets mouth during their procedure. Please allow for 15-20 minutes for a staff member to go over the discharge, medications, and bring your pet out.

-- You will also receive a complimentary Dental Prevention Kit with educational brochures, a finger brush & toothpaste, & a dental hygiene chew for our canine companions. 

Check out the link below to watch a 90 second video

featuring just some of what goes into a dental procedure here at Bay Animal!

Dental Video

Read our newsletter on all things dental health and your pets! Click Here & scroll down to February, Dental Health Month

Call us at (989) 893-4549 to schedule an appointment for your pets' dental.

Remember that your pets depend on us to have a healthy smile!

**Prices for dental cleanings are 100% patient specific. We must have examined the patient within a year to provide an accurate estimate, & your pet must be up to date on a rabies & distemper vaccine to be eligible for a procedure. As always, if you have questions, please call us.**


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Hours of Operation


7:30 am - 5:30 pm


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7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm